
Karibu BimaPap!
BimaPap allows you to purchase insurance through WhatsApp for anyone, at anytime and anywhere in the world!
You can purchase our insurance through BimaPap. To get started, you need to:
- Have WhatsApp on your phone
- Text “BimaPap” to +255 764 166 066 and then click the link that’s provided
- Follow the prompts until you reach +1 202 800 9226 (BimaPap’s global service number)
- Continue to follow the prompts (which will be in Swahili at this point) and within minutes, you can get our insurance (just like PAP)!
If you experience any difficulties while using BimaPap, you can call:
+255 766 424 205
Visit Our Website
The insured receives a contract, called the insurance policy, which details the conditions and circumstances under which the insurer will compensate the insured. The amount of money charged by the insurer to the policyholder for the coverage set forth in the insurance policy is called the premium. If the insured experiences a loss which is potentially covered by the insurance policy, the insured submits a claim to the insurer for processing by a claims adjuster. The insurer may hedge its own risk by taking out reinsurance, whereby another insurance company agrees to carry some of the risks, especially if the primary insurer deems the risk too large for it to carry.